Screaming Eagles is the story of two brothers and their quest for the Rhode Island State Football Championship.
Jack Bowden is the star linebacker and Captain of the team. He is a celebrity at Sacred Heart High School and is returning for his senior season. His brother, Sam, is only a freshman and doesn’t even want to play football. However, because Sam is a football Einstein, Jack encourages Sam to go out for the team.
While Jack dates the self-absorbed head cheerleader, Wendy Thompson, he must decide to continue to indulge himself with Wendy or move on to another girl, Jenna Witherspoon. Jenna is a girl that his friends and family find much more desirable. Sam, on the other hand, is repeatedly bullied by the team’s starting quarterback and must find a way to overcome his adversary.
For more information about Mark B. Dengel and his work go to http://www.dengelseriously.weebly.com
Available in all other eBook formats.
Mark Dengel was born in Ottawa, Kansas and graduated from Kansas State University prior to joining the Navy in 1986. After four years of active duty, he married and settled down in Warwick Rhode Island. He went back to school and received his Master’s Degree from Rhode Island College. He has taught middle school science for the past 18 years and is currently a teacher at Park View Middle School in Cranston RI. He has been married for 22 years and has three children. Mark retired
from the US Naval Reserve in 2006.
Mark’s novel, Screaming Eagles, A High School Football Story,
was released in 2013.