Teachers spend their day answering questions.
“Who was Thomas Jefferson? What is an algorithm? Why does Principal Watson smell like Nana’s rum balls?”
Well, it’s time teachers had their questions answered for a change. After teaching for nearly twenty years in both public and private schools Susan Eubanks Stepp has seen and heard it all.
Obnoxious parents, disrespectful children and micro-managing administrators don’t scare her and they don’t have to scare you anymore! They can be contained just like an outbreak of Ebola.
Honest Advice for Teachers will empower you to be the teacher you once were before the heavy meds and uncontrollable crying.
If you embrace and practice Susan’s advice she guarantees it will improve your school experience to at least average. And if average is good enough for our American education system then it’s good enough for you.
Go to www.susanstepp.com to learn more about Susan Stepp and her writing.
Available in all other eBook formats

Teachers spend their day answering questions.
“Who was Thomas Jefferson? What is an algorithm? Why does Principal Watson smell like Nana’s rum balls?”
Well, it’s time teachers had their questions answered for a change. After teaching for nearly twenty years in both public and private schools Susan Eubanks Stepp has seen and heard it all.
Obnoxious parents, disrespectful children and micro-managing administrators don’t scare her and they don’t have to scare you anymore!
Honest Advice for Teachers will empower you to be the teacher you once were before the heavy meds and uncontrollable crying.
If you embrace and practice Susan’s advice she guarantees it will improve your school experience to at least average. And if average is good enough for our American education system then it’s good enough for you.
Go to www.susanstepp.com to learn more about Susan Stepp and her writing.
Available in all other eBook formats.
Susan Eubanks Stepp is a retired teacher who lives in Jacksonville, Florida. A graduate of Florida State University, she has been married to Joe for over 37 years. They have 3 grown children and 2 grandchildren. Along with Honest Advice for Teachers, she has written over 100 one-act comedies over her career, many available at Pioneer Drama Services.
Read more about Susan and her work at http://susanstepp.com/